In this guide, we'll create a paymaster on zkSync Era, enabling transactions to be paid using the mockUSDC ERC20 token, all while harnessing API3's dAPIs for accurate, decentralized price feeds.

API3➚open in new window offers decentralized API services to blockchain platforms. API3 empowers smart contracts with its data feeds, termed dAPIs➚open in new window. These dAPIs, sourced from first-party oracles, constantly relay signed, updated on-chain data.

For our paymaster, we'll integrate dAPIs to fetch live ETH/USDopen in new window and USDC/USDopen in new window rates, facilitating users to settle their gas costs in USDC equivalent.

Data Feed Addresses:

Price PairAddressNetwork
ETH / USD0x28ce555ee7a3daCdC305951974FcbA59F5BdF09bzkSync Testnet
USDC / USD0x946E3232Cc18E812895A8e83CaE3d0caA241C2ABzkSync Testnet


  • Knowledge Base: Familiarity with deploying smart contracts.
  • Wallet Setup: Have MetaMask installed and set up, ensuring there's a balance on the zkSync Testnet.
  • Tooling: This guide utilizes zksync-cli. Ensure you have it accessible or installed in your environment.

Step 1 — Understanding the mockUSDCPaymaster contract

The mockUSDCPaymaster contract offers a refined experience for users by allowing them to pay gas fees using mockUSDC instead of ETH. This not only provides flexibility in transaction costs but also integrates real-time data feeds to determine the exact value of USDC and ETH using API3 dAPIs.

Key components:

  • setDapiProxy: A function to set the dAPI proxies for allowed tokens. The function stores the proxy addresses for USDC and ETH, which are then used to fetch real-time price data.
  • readDapi: A function that, given a dAPI proxy address, returns the real-time value. In the contract, it's used to fetch the current values of USDC and ETH.
  • validateAndPayForPaymasterTransaction: This function validates the transaction, ensures the received token makes the allowed token, fetches real-time ETH and USRC prices using dAPIs, and calculate the required ERC20 tokens equivalent to the value of required ETH.

Each paymaster should implement the IPaymasteropen in new window interface. We will be using zksync-cli to bootstrap the boilerplate code for this paymaster.

Step 2 — Environment setup

Using zksync-cli create a new project with the required dependencies and boilerplate paymaster implementations:

npx zksync-cli create mockUSDCPaymaster

Choose Hardhat + Solidity to setup the project repository. The contract for this guide exists under /contracts/ApprovalPaymaster.sol.

Update the Environment File:

  • Modify the .env-example file with your private key.
  • Ensure your account has a sufficient balance.

Add the required dependencies to the project:

yarn add -D @openzeppelin/contracts-upgradeable @api3/contracts

Step 3 - Implementing contracts

Create a mockUSDC.sol contract to emulate a USDC equivalent in the /contracts directory. Populate the file with the provided code:


// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED

pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol";

contract MyERC20 is ERC20 {
    uint8 private _decimals;

        string memory name_,
        string memory symbol_,
        uint8 decimals_
    ) ERC20(name_, symbol_) {
        _decimals = decimals_;

    function mint(address _to, uint256 _amount) public returns (bool) {
        _mint(_to, _amount);
        return true;

    function decimals() public view override returns (uint8) {
        return _decimals;

Using the ApprovalPaymaster.sol contract, add the following imports:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@api3/contracts/v0.8/interfaces/IProxy.sol";

Inherit Ownable and declare the following public variables:

contract ApprovalPaymaster is IPaymaster, Ownable {
    address public allowedToken;
    address public USDCdAPIProxy;
    address public ETHdAPIProxy;
    uint256 public requiredETH;

Make a public onlyOwner function to set dAPI proxies:

// Set dapi proxies for the allowed token/s
function setDapiProxy(address _USDCproxy, address _ETHproxy)
    public onlyOwner {
        USDCdAPIProxy = _USDCproxy;
        ETHdAPIProxy = _ETHproxy;

Make a public view function to read the dAPI values. This will read the price of ETH/USD and USDC/USD data feeds:

// read the price of ETH/USD and USDC/USD data feeds
function readDapi(address _dapiProxy) public view returns (uint256) {
   (int224 value, ) = IProxy(_dapiProxy).read();
   uint256 price = uint224(value);
   return price;

Inside validateAndPayForPaymasterTransaction(), invoke the readDapi() function and add the logic to calculate the required USDC to be sent by the user:

// Read values from the dAPIs
uint256 ETHUSDCPrice = readDapi(ETHdAPIProxy);
uint256 USDCUSDPrice = readDapi(USDCdAPIProxy);

requiredETH = _transaction.gasLimit *

// Calculate the required ERC20 tokens to be sent to the paymaster
// (Equal to the value of requiredETH)
uint256 requiredERC20 = (requiredETH * ETHUSDCPrice)/USDCUSDPrice;
    providedAllowance >= requiredERC20,
    "Min paying allowance too low"

Update the try-catch block to transfer the exact requiredERC20 amount:

    IERC20(token).transferFrom(userAddress, thisAddress, requiredERC20)
{} catch (bytes memory revertReason) {
    // If the revert reason is empty or represented by just a function selector,
    // we replace the error with a more user-friendly message
    if (requiredERC20 > amount) {
        revert("Not the required amount of tokens sent");
    if (revertReason.length <= 4) {
        revert("Failed to transferFrom from users' account");
    } else {
        assembly {
            revert(add(0x20, revertReason), mload(revertReason))

The full paymaster implementation can be viewed here:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.8;

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

import {IPaymaster, ExecutionResult, PAYMASTER_VALIDATION_SUCCESS_MAGIC}
from  "@matterlabs/zksync-contracts/l2/system-contracts/interfaces/IPaymaster.sol";
import {IPaymasterFlow} from  "@matterlabs/zksync-contracts/l2/system-contracts/interfaces/IPaymasterFlow.sol";
import {TransactionHelper, Transaction} from "@matterlabs/zksync-contracts/l2/system-contracts/libraries/TransactionHelper.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import "@api3/contracts/v0.8/interfaces/IProxy.sol";

import "@matterlabs/zksync-contracts/l2/system-contracts/Constants.sol";

contract ApprovalPaymaster is IPaymaster, Ownable {

    address public allowedToken;
    address public USDCdAPIProxy;
    address public ETHdAPIProxy;
    uint256 public requiredETH;

    modifier onlyBootloader() {
            msg.sender == BOOTLOADER_FORMAL_ADDRESS,
            "Only bootloader can call this method"
        // Continue execution if called from the bootloader.

    constructor(address _erc20) {
        allowedToken = _erc20;

    // Set dapi proxies for the allowed token/s
    function setDapiProxy(address _USDCproxy, address _ETHproxy)
    public onlyOwner {
        USDCdAPIProxy = _USDCproxy;
        ETHdAPIProxy = _ETHproxy;

    function readDapi(address _dapiProxy) public view returns (uint256) {
        (int224 value, ) = IProxy(_dapiProxy).read();
        uint256 price = uint224(value);
        return price;

    function validateAndPayForPaymasterTransaction (
        Transaction calldata _transaction
    ) onlyBootloader external payable returns (bytes4 magic, bytes memory context) {
        // By default we consider the transaction as accepted.
            _transaction.paymasterInput.length >= 4,
            "The standard paymaster input must be at least 4 bytes long"

        bytes4 paymasterInputSelector = bytes4(
        if (paymasterInputSelector == IPaymasterFlow.approvalBased.selector) {
            // While the transaction data consists of address, uint256 and bytes data,
            // the data is not needed for this paymaster
            (address token, uint256 amount, bytes memory data) = abi.decode(
                (address, uint256, bytes)

            // Verify if token is the correct one
            require(token == allowedToken, "Invalid token");

            // We verify that the user has provided enough allowance
            address userAddress = address(uint160(_transaction.from));

            address thisAddress = address(this);

            uint256 providedAllowance = IERC20(token).allowance(
            // Read values from the dAPIs

            uint256 ETHUSDCPrice = readDapi(ETHdAPIProxy);
            uint256 USDCUSDPrice = readDapi(USDCdAPIProxy);

            requiredETH = _transaction.gasLimit *

            // Calculate the required ERC20 tokens to be sent to the paymaster
            // (Equal to the value of requiredETH)

            uint256 requiredERC20 = (requiredETH * ETHUSDCPrice)/USDCUSDPrice;
                providedAllowance >= requiredERC20,
                "Min paying allowance too low"

            // Note, that while the minimal amount of ETH needed is tx.gasPrice * tx.gasLimit,
            // neither paymaster nor account are allowed to access this context variable.
                IERC20(token).transferFrom(userAddress, thisAddress, requiredERC20)
            {} catch (bytes memory revertReason) {
                // If the revert reason is empty or represented by just a function selector,
                // we replace the error with a more user-friendly message
                if (requiredERC20 > amount) {
                    revert("Not the required amount of tokens sent");
                if (revertReason.length <= 4) {
                    revert("Failed to transferFrom from users' account");
                } else {
                    assembly {
                        revert(add(0x20, revertReason), mload(revertReason))

            // The bootloader never returns any data, so it can safely be ignored here.
            (bool success, ) = payable(BOOTLOADER_FORMAL_ADDRESS).call{
                value: requiredETH
            require(success, "Failed to transfer funds to the bootloader");
        } else {
            revert("Unsupported paymaster flow");

    function postTransaction  (
        bytes calldata _context,
        Transaction calldata _transaction,
        ExecutionResult _txResult,
        uint256 _maxRefundedGas
    ) onlyBootloader external payable override {

    receive() external payable {}

Step 4 — Deploy the contract

Create a new file under /deploy, for example deploy-mockUSDCPaymaster.ts. Insert the provided script:

Deployment script
import { Wallet } from "zksync-ethers";
import * as ethers from "ethers";
import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from "hardhat/types";
import { Deployer } from "@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy";

// load wallet private key from env file
const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY || "";

export default async function (hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {
  // The wallet that will deploy the token and the paymaster
  // It is assumed that this wallet already has sufficient funds on zkSync
  // ⚠️ Never commit private keys to file tracking history, or your account could be compromised.
  const wallet = new Wallet(PRIVATE_KEY);
  // The wallet that will receive ERC20 tokens
  const emptyWallet = Wallet.createRandom();
  console.log(`Empty wallet's address: ${emptyWallet.address}`);
  console.log(`Empty wallet's private key: ${emptyWallet.privateKey}`);

  const deployer = new Deployer(hre, wallet);

  // Deploying the ERC20 token
  const erc20Artifact = await deployer.loadArtifact("MyERC20");
  const erc20 = await deployer.deploy(erc20Artifact, ["USDC", "USDC", 18]);
  console.log(`ERC20 address: ${erc20.address}`);

  // Deploying the paymaster
  const paymasterArtifact = await deployer.loadArtifact("MyPaymaster");
  const paymaster = await deployer.deploy(paymasterArtifact, [erc20.address]);
  console.log(`Paymaster address: ${paymaster.address}`);

  // Supplying paymaster with ETH.
  await (
    await deployer.zkWallet.sendTransaction({
      to: paymaster.address,
      value: ethers.utils.parseEther("0.05"),

  // Setting the dAPIs in Paymaster. Head over to the API3 Market (https://market.api3.org) to verify dAPI proxy contract addresses and whether they're funded or not.
  const ETHUSDdAPI = "0x28ce555ee7a3daCdC305951974FcbA59F5BdF09b";
  const USDCUSDdAPI = "0x946E3232Cc18E812895A8e83CaE3d0caA241C2AB";
  const setProxy = paymaster.setDapiProxy(USDCUSDdAPI, ETHUSDdAPI);
  await (await setProxy).wait();
  console.log("dAPI Proxies Set!");

  // Deploying the Greeter contract
  const greeterContractArtifact = await deployer.loadArtifact("Greeter");
  const oldGreeting = "old greeting";
  const deployGreeter = await deployer.deploy(greeterContractArtifact, [oldGreeting]);
  console.log(`Greeter contract address: ${deployGreeter.address}`);

  // Supplying the ERC20 tokens to the empty wallet:
  await // We will give the empty wallet 5k mUSDC:
  (await erc20.mint(emptyWallet.address, "5000000000000000000000")).wait();

  console.log("Minted 5k mUSDC for the empty wallet");


The provided script deploys the mockUSDC, the Greeter, and the Paymaster contracts. After this, an empty wallet is created, and 5,000 mockUSDC tokens are minted for the paymaster's use. The Paymaster contract also receives 0.05 ETH to cover transaction fees. Additionally, the script calls the setDapiProxy method, assigning the necessary proxy addresses for on-chain dAPIs, and sets the initial greeting value.

Compile the contract:

yarn hardhat compile

Once compiled, deploy using:

yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script deploy-mockUSDCPaymaster.ts

Step 5 — Interact with contract

To interact with contract update the .env file with the following items derived from the deployment script that ran previously:


Create a new file under /deploy, for example use-mockUSDCPaymaster.ts. Insert the provided script:

import { ContractFactory, Provider, utils, Wallet } from "zksync-ethers";
import * as ethers from "ethers";
import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from "hardhat/types";
import { Deployer } from "@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy";


// Put the address of the deployed paymaster and the Greeter Contract in the .env file

// Put the address of the ERC20 token in the .env file:
const TOKEN_ADDRESS = process.env.TOKEN_ADDRESS || "";

function getToken(hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, wallet: Wallet) {
  const artifact = hre.artifacts.readArtifactSync("MyERC20");
  return new ethers.Contract(TOKEN_ADDRESS, artifact.abi, wallet);

// Greeter contract
function getGreeter(hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, wallet: Wallet) {
  const artifact = hre.artifacts.readArtifactSync("Greeter");
  return new ethers.Contract(GREETER_CONTRACT_ADDRESS, artifact.abi, wallet);

// Wallet private key
// ⚠️ Never commit private keys to file tracking history, or your account could be compromised.
export default async function (hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {
  const provider = new Provider("https://testnet.era.zksync.dev");
  const emptyWallet = new Wallet(EMPTY_WALLET_PRIVATE_KEY, provider);

  // Obviously this step is not required, but it is here purely to demonstrate that indeed the wallet has no ether.
  const ethBalance = await emptyWallet.getBalance();
  if (!ethBalance.eq(0)) {
    throw new Error("The wallet is not empty");

  const erc20Balance = await emptyWallet.getBalance(TOKEN_ADDRESS);
  console.log(`ERC20 balance of the user before tx: ${erc20Balance}`);

  const greeter = getGreeter(hre, emptyWallet);
  const erc20 = getToken(hre, emptyWallet);

  const gasPrice = await provider.getGasPrice();

  // Loading the Paymaster Contract
  const deployer = new Deployer(hre, emptyWallet);
  const paymasterArtifact = await deployer.loadArtifact("MyPaymaster");

  const PaymasterFactory = new ContractFactory(paymasterArtifact.abi, paymasterArtifact.bytecode, deployer.zkWallet);
  const PaymasterContract = PaymasterFactory.attach(PAYMASTER_ADDRESS);

  // Estimate gas fee for the transaction
  const gasLimit = await greeter.estimateGas.setGreeting("new updated greeting", {
    customData: {
      gasPerPubdata: utils.DEFAULT_GAS_PER_PUBDATA_LIMIT,
      paymasterParams: utils.getPaymasterParams(PAYMASTER_ADDRESS, {
        type: "ApprovalBased",
        token: TOKEN_ADDRESS,
        // Set a large allowance just for estimation
        minimalAllowance: ethers.BigNumber.from(`100000000000000000000`),
        // Empty bytes as testnet paymaster does not use innerInput
        innerInput: new Uint8Array(),

  // Gas estimation:
  const fee = gasPrice.mul(gasLimit.toString());
  console.log(`Estimated ETH FEE (gasPrice * gasLimit): ${fee}`);

  // Calling the dAPI to get the ETH price:
  const ETHUSD = await PaymasterContract.readDapi("0x28ce555ee7a3daCdC305951974FcbA59F5BdF09b");
  const USDCUSD = await PaymasterContract.readDapi("0x946E3232Cc18E812895A8e83CaE3d0caA241C2AB");

  // Checks old allowance (for testing purposes):
  const checkSetAllowance = await erc20.allowance(emptyWallet.address, PAYMASTER_ADDRESS);
  console.log(`ERC20 allowance for paymaster : ${checkSetAllowance}`);

  console.log(`ETH/USD dAPI Value: ${ETHUSD}`);
  console.log(`USDC/USD dAPI Value: ${USDCUSD}`);

  // Calculating the USD fee:
  const usdFee = fee.mul(ETHUSD).div(USDCUSD);
  console.log(`Estimated USD FEE: ${usdFee}`);

  console.log(`Current message is: ${await greeter.greet()}`);

  // Encoding the "ApprovalBased" paymaster flow's input
  const paymasterParams = utils.getPaymasterParams(PAYMASTER_ADDRESS, {
    type: "ApprovalBased",
    token: TOKEN_ADDRESS,
    // set minimalAllowance to the estimated fee in erc20
    minimalAllowance: ethers.BigNumber.from(usdFee),
    // empty bytes as testnet paymaster does not use innerInput
    innerInput: new Uint8Array(),

  await (
    await greeter.connect(emptyWallet).setGreeting(`new greeting updated at ${new Date().toUTCString()}`, {
      // specify gas values
      maxFeePerGas: gasPrice,
      maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0,
      gasLimit: gasLimit,
      // paymaster info
      customData: {
        paymasterParams: paymasterParams,
        gasPerPubdata: utils.DEFAULT_GAS_PER_PUBDATA_LIMIT,

  const newErc20Balance = await emptyWallet.getBalance(TOKEN_ADDRESS);

  console.log(`ERC20 Balance of the user after tx: ${newErc20Balance}`);
  console.log(`Transaction fee paid in ERC20 was ${erc20Balance.sub(newErc20Balance)}`);
  console.log(`Message in contract now is: ${await greeter.greet()}`);

Run the script:

yarn hardhat deploy-zksync --script use-mockUSDCPaymaster.ts

The wallet had 5000 mUSDC after running the deployment script. After sending the transaction to update the Greeting contract, we are now left with 4998.92 mUSDC. The script used mUSDC to cover the gas costs for the update transaction!